Developing Modules and Supplements

GMT developers do from time to time need to add new modules to the core library, and occasionally they add an entire new supplement to the official distribution. In addition, there are unofficial supplements that are not part of the GMT code base but needs to be built with GMT (or piggyback off the GMT build process), and then there are supplements that need to be built by themselves that have dependencies of various kinds on GMT. This document discusses the mechanics around those issues.

Adding a new module

To add a new module, the starting point is to duplicate the most similar module you can think of. It is not essential to get this right, but if your new module deals with grids then start with one of the grd modules such as grd2xyz, and if it needs to deal with tables then maybe something like gmtselect. If plotting is involved then start with one that makes plots, and so on. Obviously, there will be lots of changes to your starting point and those are completely dependent on what the new module will do. Yet, here are some steps you are likely to encounter and some of them are required exactly as is and for others you must adapt them to your module’s specific purpose.

  1. The first C code lines below the initial comments list a set of seven define statements that start with THIS_MODULE_. Most of them are fairly easy to update, such as stating the new module’s name and purpose. Then there is the THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS parameter which is just a listing of all the common GMT options this module can use. The next item is THIS_MODULE_NEEDS and it tells GMT if this module requires a region (e.g., via -R) and a projection (via -J). Modules that must set a region to operate will either have the codes R (must take -R), d (can determine the region from given data sets), or g (can determine the region from a given grid). There is also the mode r which means ‘not normally required’ but may be required depending on module options. As an example, consider pslegend which does not need -R if -Dx is used but does need -R if other selections are made. For the same reason there is the j code for projections when it depends on other options whether -J is needed or not. Most plot modules NEEDS will include J. Finally, there is the very cryptic THIS_MODULE_KEYS setting. At this point, please read all the comments in the code for GMT_Encode_Options in gmt_api.c. The KEYS are not used by the command line modules and only enters for some external interfaces, such as MATLAB and Julia. You should have a discussion with those maintainers about what those KEYS should be.

  2. Do some global replacements of strings: Replace the uppercase name of the template module with the new module uppercase name, and do the same for the lowercase name. This will ensure that your Ctrl structures and local static functions are named correctly (you may still need to delete some of them and add others). All functions local to this module shall have names starting with the module name and an underscores (e.g., grdinfo_report_tiles) and they shall be stated as GMT_LOCAL instead of static (GMT_LOCAL is normally defined to mean static but in certain debugging cases we may wish to change that). The exceptions to this rule are the functions New_Ctrl, Free_Ctrl, usage, and parse; they are all static and have the same names in all modules.

  3. After listing all local variables inside the main GMT_module function, all modules start with a section labeled Standard module initialization and parsing. It is extremely unlikely you will need to make any changes in this section. Ask for help if you think you do.

  4. For style, argument checking, usage layout, use of built-in constants for the synopsis line, just follow the module template and draw inspiration from other modules.

  5. Make sure you create a separate git branch and add your new code to that branch. New modules should never go into master and will have to undergo much scrutiny before the branch may be merged into master.

  6. To let CMake know about the new module, edit src/CMakeLists.txt and search for GMT_PROGS_SRCS. Add your new module to the list.

  7. Try to compile GMT with your new module. We automatically detect all the modules in the src directory (as well as supplemental source directories) and various needed “glue” functions are automatically created and compiled as part of the process. You are likely to get some compilation errors. Keep addressing them until the module compiles. Running gmt modulename should print the full usage message.

  8. The documentation of the module should be carefully designed. You will need to add at least a module.rst file in the doc/rst/source directory that explains what the module does. Again, start with a copy of another suitable module’s RST file and make suitable changes. Make sure you add some examples that others can try without getting data (e.g., use remote files as much as possible).

  9. You must also edit the modules.rst and modules-classic.rst files and add your new module and its purpose in three separate places. Just search for a known module to see what is expected. Also change into src directory and run to update two module purpose files. With these edits you should be able to build the full documentation and have your module show up under the Modules page.

  10. Adding a new module to one of the official supplements pretty much follows the same steps. It is best to start from one of the other modules in that supplement since some of them have specific include files and setups. Including the new supplemental module in the build process is automatic (done by CMake).

Using OpenMP pragmas

Many algorithms in GMT can be sped up considerably by using OpenMP. This scheme is deceptively simple and one only needs to add a set of three comments and great speed is attained. This section discusses our experiences with the “#pragma omp parallel for” statements in GMT. Here are some simple rules to live by; see actual examples in the modules.

  1. Due to cross-platform compatibility, we must for now always used signed for-loop variables in places where OpenMP is used. We hope this will go away one day.

  2. Every variable addressed by the for-loop must be listed in either the private or shared groups in the pragma statement. Be very careful when doing this as pretty much all failures to get it to work has to do with making mistakes here. This simple rule should help: If a variable is just accessed (read) inside the for-loop then it should go in shared, all else must go in private. None can be left out. Often, loops are over grids and the grid pointer is shared so that all threads can add their contributions - this is the whole point of the splitting.

  3. Try to avoid having if-tests inside the for-loop. It may be much faster to move the if-test outside the loop and possibly do a near-duplication of the loop.

  4. At this point, the OpenMP builds work well on all platforms, but not well integrated with the XCode framework on macOS. Building with gcc works well.

Compiling supplements

For the purpose of this discussion, we will distinguish between several types of supplements:

  1. Regular supplements included in the GMT distribution (e.g., seis, spotter).

  2. External supplements not part of the GMT distribution but the developer wish to piggyback off the GMT build process instead of having a full-blown CMakeLists.txt setup. The modules depend on (and include) gmt_dev.h, just like the core modules.

  3. External supplements not part of the GMT distribution but has their own build setup. The modules depend on (and include) gmt_dev.h, just like the core modules. One such example are the MB-System src/gmt tools.

  4. External supplements not part of the GMT distribution but has their own build setup. THe modules only depend on (and include) gmt.h, the official GMT API.

!! This section will be under construction as long as this sign is present !!

Regular supplements

If you (presumably a developers) is considering to add a new official GMT supplement then you should completely model it based on one of the existing supplements. You will notice that your supplement name (the directory) needs to be added to src/CMakeLists.txt. Just search for an existing name there and it is obvious what to change. Rebuilding everything will automatically include your new modules.

Lazy External supplements

These are supplements that uses the same layout as the official supplements but of course they are not blessed by us and thus cannot go into src. The solution is to place the supplemental directory somewhere else and then set a symbolic link from src to your supplement. These links must be called newsuppl1, newsuppl2, etc. Your supplements CMakeLists.txt must set a few variables to be included by the GMT build process: SUPPL_LIB_NAME is the name of your supplement. If it is set we build a separate shared library for it, but if not set it gets added to the GMT supplemental shared library.

External supplements needing gmt_dev.h

These are stand-alone software that can be built as shared libraries we can access from GMT via the GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS default setting. The MB-System is a good example of such a system, since it requires access to lower-level (developmental) libraries in GMT and thus must include gmt_dev.h.

External supplements only using the API

These are supplements that contains modules that are all build just using the GMT API, i.e., they only include gmt.h. These typically have their own build system and only link with libgmt.